Become a Stallholder

We’re always on the lookout for locally made, handmade products and encourage suitable stallholders to get in touch.

How the Process Works

If you haven’t visited the market before, we suggest that you find out a little bit about it before you apply to become a stallholder.


We select stallholders based on the quality of their work, the uniqueness of their offering, the suitability of their work to the market audience and the number of stallholders in the same category already approved.

We welcome enquiries from genuine makers and growers who meet the following criteria:

  • You have made the product yourself; preferably in WA.
  • You have grown the produce yourself OR you have added substantial value to the product.
  • You are active on social media promoting your own products and this event.
  • You have or are prepared to have public liability insurance cover.
  • We also consider how many other stall holders we have in each category.
  • You have something unique and interesting to sell that will add value and interest to our market for our visitor.
  • You are interested in constantly improving and re-evaluating your product.

Our Market Manager is a busy lady. Stallholders who read and follow instructions, respond promptly to correspondence and do what they say they’re going to do, find themselves becoming regular stallholders in the best locations in the market.

Our process is relatively simple and easy to follow. Familiarise yourself with it by reading ALL THE SECTIONS on this page and you’ll be off to a great start.

Our initial Registration of Eligibility (RoE) is the first step towards becoming a KAM stallholder.

It asks for basic information to help us assess the quality of your products and the professionalism of your business.

Based on what we find when we look at your photos and visit your socials or website, we’ll make a decision about how well you’ll fit in at this market.


Help us to see your products in the best possible light by following the instructions in the RoE form and submitting correctly sized, quality images that do them justice.

Consider whether your social pages look like those of a business that’s actually in business and if not, take steps to remedy that.

We respond to all RoE that are submitted to us with a yes or a no within about a week of receiving them. 

If you haven’t heard back from us within 2 weeks, a follow up email to our Market Manager is appropriate.

All Approved Stallholders are given access to our Stallholder Portal where they’re able to complete individual application forms for each market, add links to their website and social pages for market visitors and add their insurance details for us.

Once you’ve been approved, you’ll get an email with a user name and password that you can use to log in with.


Inside the Stallholder Portal, you’re able to access individual application forms for each of our markets.

Applications open at least a few months in advance of each market and close about 4 weeks out from the date or when full.


All stallholders who attend the Kalamunda Artisan Market are required to have their own current public liability insurance cover to the value of $10,000,000.

Once you’ve been accepted as an Approved Stallholder, we ask that you update your records in the Stallholder Portal with your current insurance details and again every time the policy is renewed (if annual).

We also ask that you notify us if at any time in the future, you decide not to renew your policy.

We send out individual invoices for each market, only once stallholders have been offered and have accepted a place at that market. 

You can expect to hear about 3-4 weeks before the market date whether you have a confirmed place.

Prompt payment is expected.

Prior to the market, you’ll hear from the Market Manager with exact details of your stall location and times and details for setting up and packing down.

We promote the market and it’s stallholders on our Facebook and Instagram pages, but we can’t do it alone.

The more that each of our stallholders promote the event, the more they are likely to benefit collectively from the increased publicity and attendance.



There is a market on the first Saturday of each month. The market dates for 2023 are as follows. The closing date for applications is about 3 weeks before each market. 

These dates may be subject to change or cancellation due to events outside our control. To apply for a market or find out about application closing dates, log in to the Stallholder Portal once your application has been approved and you’ve been provided with login details.

The market features a wide range of art and design focussed products in the following categories:

We suggest that prospective stallholders browse these categories to see what is already at the market.

The market is held in the Central Mall in Kalamunda.


  • Small table – limited – $80.00 *
  • Space for 2.4 x 2.4 Cabana- limited – $80.00 *
  • Space for 3 x 3 Cabana – $90.00

* When in the mall, we sometimes have small spaces available in the undercover area that take only a 2.4 x.2.4. If you would like one of these spaces and you are approved you may go on a waiting list for one.

We provide you with an empty space and you provide everything else.

Your own cabana, weights for your cabana, table, appropriate coverings for all weather conditions and a comfortable chair to sit on.

Yes you do.

All food vendors must obtain the appropriate Temporary Food Licence from the City of Kalamunda.


Yes there is.

When you apply to become a stallholder, you agree to the market terms and conditions.

We update our terms and conditions from time to time and as a courtesy, we notify current stallholders by email that a new version now applies.